Over the past 12 months, we’ve seen a more-than-3x increase in the cost of wholesale energy. As a consequence, the prices of domestic energy tariffs that we offer have, unfortunately, had to go up. You can read more about why - Why are energy prices rising? This means that we’ve been forced to increase our prices across the board. 

Your energy quote is based on your estimated annual usage, which we calculated based on the information you gave us and meter reads from your property through the course of the year. Your new direct debit information for the tariff you are being offered now has been calculated based on this latest information we have and does not include any debit or credit balance on your account, it is solely based on your annual projection. However, to make sure you're not over or underpaying, we conduct a DD review 6 months after the start of your contract. This will take into account any debit or credit on your account. If you're in enough credit, you may be offered a refund at this point. If you're in debit 6 months down the line we will include any of your balance and will calculate a higher Direct Debit amount. This is to ensure your debt does not continue to increase and that your monthly payment is covering the cost of your energy usage. The best way to avoid increasing debit on your account is to submit monthly meter reads (on your online account) or get a smart meter and to keep an eye on your balance on your monthly statements.